Ok so now we get down to the details. Throughout my entire fuck buddies post I explained my experiences with finding fuck buddies online through the wise information provided by my acquaintance.

So starting out I was directed by him to join Gethookupapp as this was the site which had brought him the most success. If you read my original fuck buddies post you will know that I signed up for numerous adult dating sites on my trial run, and true to his word Gethookupapp was the one which brought me immediate results.
Since this time I have been able to game all of the networks and have come up with a list in ranking order of which gave me the most success in my fuck buddy search. While Gethookupapp STILL provides me with the best results I have managed to pull some tail from every single site on this list.
Best Places To Find Fuck Buddies:
#1 Gethookupapp – This is my number 1 for obvious reasons
#2 I Hookup – Definitely the 2nd most productive for me.
#3 Fuckbook – The facebook of adult dating!
#4 Adult Friend Finder -Has the most members but lots of competition.
#5 Untrue – Fairly new but accounts for about 20% of my catches.
#6 Sex Search -Had tons of girls in my area but only some responded.
I would not suggest signing up for all of them in the same night unless you are like myself and could not fight the urge. Unless of course you have lots of cash to spend on getting LOTS of new fuck buddies for your line-up. Start with the top and work your way down, pulling tail as you go.
Also be sure to check out my BONUS TIPS FOR FUCK BUDDIES for examples and ideas on how to set up your profile as well as how to approach these women.
I 100% guarantee if you follow my methods and try the above listed sites that you will be fucking beautiful women in no time. Take it from the man who use to be shy and reserved who has fully transformed into a woman pleasing machine!
Honorable Mentions:
Busty Match – While I generally prefer chicks my age with tight bodies I love the rare occasion to catch a cougar with huge titties. I have pulled a couple busty babes off of this site in the past few months. It is targeted to busty women and the men who desire them.
Ashley Madison – Specializing in married people seeking affairs. So in this case it is completely obvious that the women seek only no strings attached sex! I have pulled a few married women from here in previous months who were seeking a young stud.
Plenty Of Fish – Free dating site which caters to all types of people. They made the list because I have been able to pull new fuck buddies from their site but it definitely requires most work on your behalf due to the fact that it is not an adult nature community and a lot of the members are actually looking for something long term, not just no strings attached sex like the above sites offer.
What works/worked best to find YOUR fuck buddies?
I want to know which sites worked best for YOU after following my guidelines. Be sure to hit up the comments below and let all the viewers know!